Quill Pen

Quill Pen
Quill Pen: A Professional Writing Service

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Exhibition #11- A Book Review

Kacey C. Krznaric
“The Long Tail” by Chris Anderson Book Review

A Shift in Control:
How a Move Toward a Purely Digital Culture
Is Putting the Power Back In the Hands Of the Consumer

When I accepted a “friend request” on Facebook from my 80 year old grandmother, it sunk in. I realized that everyone, to some degree and for some purpose, uses digital media. Whether it satisfies your thirst for popularity on social networking sites, provides an outlet to vent about that crappy vacuum cleaner that you were suckered into buying, or supplies you with the tools needed to search for something better, something more unique, digital media is the platform on which we stand. From the pits of Amazon, you can find that obscure book that you’ve been searching for all these years. If you’re looking for that special song from the early nineties that creates the nostalgia of Senior Proms past, go no further than Rhapsody. A couple clicks of a mouse can take us virtually anywhere we want to go and at whatever time we choose. In “The Long Tail” by Chris Anderson, we get a walk-through, step-by-step, and personal examination of how digital media is changing the market, the economy, and ultimately the way we live our lives.

The market has changed drastically since the days of the phonograph. We have moved away from a place where record label execs and large, chain retailers determined who was who and what was what. Now with advancements in technology, the Worldwide Web is taking the power from their hands and placing it in ours. Throughout “The Long Tail,” Anderson paints a proverbial picture of this market for us, presenting it as a “tail” that has grown tremendously in length with the introduction, and ultimate progression, of digital media. Simply put, Anderson describes it as having “hits” (standing strong at the base of the tail) and “niches” (nuzzling into their places along the length of the tail and into it’s tip). While the hits have always been the major players in the game, the niches are fundamentally the reason the market is changing. The niches are the “money pockets” and, when they come together, have the potential to be just as powerful as the hits, shifting the economic curve significantly for the first time since the introduction of the phonograph where newspapers and magazines owned mass media. Now we are moving toward what Anderson calls the “pure digital model” and the effects that this new market has on the economy is truly profound.

The economy thrives on supply and demand. I think Anderson does a great job at explaining this by using a large scale retailer that everyone is familiar with: Walmart. Before the Internet, Walmart could only hold a certain amount of product and it was up to them to make educated guesses as to what would sell and how much if it to carry. Now, with the introduction of everything digital, “selling out” of a product is unheard of. With a few mouse clicks, you can get anything from top selling hits from Rihanna to the no-name garage bands that don’t even have a record label, or even a full CD for that matter. Virtual shelf space is unlimited and most importantly, low cost. This allows for an almost endless chain of supply to satisfy our almost endless chain of demand.

“The Long Tail” has given me a revamped perspective on our present day culture. As a user of digital media for everything from social networking to obtaining my Master’s degree online, I can appreciate how this cutting edge form of media has been beneficial to me. It provides the tools I need to stay in touch with family and friends all across the world, conduct in-depth research for educational projects, search for possible employment opportunities, and it provides an outlet for any type of entertainment you could possibly imagine from listening to classical music to learning how to play it. While there will always be hits and niches in the market, digital media has impacted our culture indefinitely. It’s become consumer-driven and consumer-operated. It gives us a vehicle and it gives us a voice. “The Long Tail” is timely in that it gives us a solid education of the market, how the market affects the economy, and how the economy ultimately affects our relationships, our careers, and our livelihood.

Exhibition #10- A POV Article

A Two Way Street
Henry, formerly known as Bunji, sits on my lap gazing out at the lake.  I wonder what he is thinking.  Just six months ago he was an unwanted, underweight, flea-infested Chihuahua sitting in a rusty iron cage at Polk City Animal Sanctuary and Rescue.  Since adopting Henry, he has reached his healthy weight, received a clean bill of health from the veterinarian, and found his forever family. We came into each other’s lives at the perfect moment, giving hope, love, and a genuine sense of fulfillment an entirely new meaning. The saying “man’s best friend” is an understatement.
Making the decision to become a dog owner is life changing.  It requires a lot of evaluation and planning and is not something to be taken lightly.  Dogs are a lot of work, require a lot of attention, and depend on us for everything.  Thus, a person has to assess his or her living environment, groom through his or her finances, and determine how much time he or she can dedicate to caring for a dog.  All of these things will help establish several things: if the person is ready for the responsibility of a dog, what type of breed is conducive to their lifestyle and living situation, and whether he or she can provide financially for the health and well-being of their new pet.
Aside from the logistics, once you decide that becoming a dog owner is right for you, the therapeutic benefits for both you and the adopted dog are remarkable.  From personal experience, my life changed from the moment I laid eyes on Henry.  Originally I had anticipated enriching HIS life by showing him love and giving him a renewed sense of security.  However, he brought ME back to life by giving me a fresh perspective, showing me unconditional love, and being an unintentional support system for me in everyday life.  According to the article “Adopt a Shelter Dog” on http://www.squidoo.com/, “Dogs encourage people to exercise, enhance family and social relationships, promote laughter and act as a nonjudgmental audience and sounding board.”  I firmly believe that we brought the best out in each other.
Aside from the emotional benefits that adopting a shelter dog bring to a new dog owner, studies show that adopting a shelter dog have significant health benefits as well.  According to the article “Adopting a Shelter Dog Brings Countless Health Benefits” from www.examiner.com, “Studies show such benefits as lowered stress levels, lowered blood pressure, and less depression in people with pets.  Heart attack patients with pets survive longer than those without and AIDS patients in a study proved to be far less likely to suffer depression when living with a beloved pet.  Alzheimer's patients are calmer with fewer anxious outbursts, as are schizophrenics.”  The article goes on to say, Interacting with your rescued dog can elevate levels of serotonin and dopamine, nerve transmitters that are known to have pleasurable and calming properties.  Heroin and cocaine work in a similar way by raising these levels. Pets counter loneliness and Seniors can especially benefit from the companionship and exercise a dog provides.”
My personal experience of adopting Henry and how we have enhanced each other’s lives in a way that I would have otherwise never recognized has ignited a passion in me.  The research on the therapeutic benefits, both physical and emotional, of adopting a shelter dog has a solid standing with me, as my life is better because of the decision I made.  I would recommend adopting a shelter dog to anyone who is looking for companionship for themselves, a way to teach responsibility to their children, or anyone who is willing and able to provide stability for an unwanted dog.  3According to a quote from Novartis Animal Health US, Inc, “Most dogs adopted from shelters make exceptionally affectionate and attentive pets and extremely loyal companions.”  Henry has enriched my quality of life by providing me with companionship, unconditional love, and personal fulfillment.  Likewise, if Henry could talk, I think he’d say I have provided him with the same. I am certain that your quality of life will be enhanced tremendously by the rewards that come back to you.

Exhibition #9- A Reflective Blog Series

Reflective Writing Notebook
Who Am I?
What we do flows from who we are.”
 ~Paul Vitale

When I am formally introducing myself to new people I always attach what I do for a living. “Hi, my name is Kacey and I am <insert role> at <insert company name>.  It’s nice to meet you.” When asked if I could share a little bit about myself with a new group of coworkers as we go around the room, I start spouting out what I do, how long I’ve been doing it, what I like about it and what I don’t.  As I sat down and reflected on who I am- as a woman, as a writer, as a work in progress- and how I present that person to others, I happened upon a very common theme.  It surprised me.
When I am describing myself, I always equate who I am with what I do. And, on another note, when I introduce other people, I typically equate who they are with what they do as well. “This is <insert name>.  She works at <insert company> as a <insert role>.” Personality and individuality are totally lost during this exchange. I feel almost like I am robbing myself (and others) of acknowledging the uniqueness that makes me who I am (and them who they are) and that’s a shame. 
The roles we play in the professional world are what we do- not who we are.  A name, a smile, and a handshake speak at greater volumes than our current position in the workplace.  Once I rerouted my thinking and wiped the slate clean, I went back to the drawing board to focus on the very simple, yet all too complex question of “Who am I”?  With a fresh start, a new perspective, and an open mind, I was able to free-write my answer to that question.  Here is what I came up with:
I am Kacey.  I am competitive, compassionate, dedicated, and strive to be ethical in every situation.  I have a glass-half full outlook on life, I am a true believer in reaching for the stars, and I think we owe it to ourselves to stay healthy in mind, body, and spirit.  In the work place, I am focused, I take initiative, and I am a team player. At home, I am laid back, hospitable, and an animal lover. I have a background in medical office administration, financial firm administration with a specialization in Trusts, and experience interviewing and writing features for a real estate and lifestyles magazine which highlights the success of local business men and women in South Florida. I am also a graduate student working diligently toward my Master’s degree in Professional Writing. In the future, I aspire to have a beautiful family one day and a successful career in which I am able to utilize my writing skills and abilities to perform my job to the highest standard and exceed even my own expectations. 
Whew.  Let me just clarify that this is not how I am going to introduce myself to new people that I am meeting for the first time now that I’ve come to this realization (it might be just a tad long winded for most).  Just the wording itself in the free-write shows a new respect for the question of “Who am I”?  I’ve highlighted some phrasing in red that demonstrates how crucial (and telling) the words we use are in how we think about ourselves and how we present ourselves. The free-write just serves as a template- a “structured reminder”.
Reflective Writing Notebook
“A man’s memory is his private literature.”
-Aldous Huxley

I remember feeling stagnant. Bored. Unfulfilled. Wasteful. I wasn’t happy because I wasn’t making the best out of the life that I was given. I remember feeling Scared. Anxious. Nervous. Self-doubting. I was uneasy because I knew I needed to make a life change but the there is nothing more terrifying than the unknown.

I remember the sound of the car door slamming. The engine revved up and I remember bowing my head and talking to God.  I was smiling with tears in my eyes. I wiped them with my shirt sleeve as quickly as they formed in my eyes. Everything was about to change and I didn’t know if I would be strong enough to endure that. Regardless, I stepped on the gas and waved goodbye to everything I ever knew.  Everything that made me, well, me.

I remember walking out of the air conditioned house and feeling the hot breeze smack me in the face. I started sweating immediately. I took a deep breath. I heard children laughing, cars zipping by, dogs barking, and water splashing. The air smelled different. People looked different and talked different. I felt different. I felt naked and exposed but I hid it well. It was official. I wasn’t in Pittsburgh anymore…

I remember loving myself. I remember hating myself. I picked myself up only to knock myself back down again. I knew who I was but I hadn’t a clue. I remember being tested, being tempted, being tried. I remember feeling strong and I remember feeling weak. I questioned myself. I questioned others. I wrote. I read. I lived, laughed, and loved. I cried. I got a tan. I shifted gears.

I remember starting to feel at home. I remember feeling self-assured, confident, and happy. I was free.  I was a soldier. I felt powerful and independent. I was in control. I disappointed myself. I gave myself a break. I was quiet and I listened. I restored, renewed, and revamped myself.  I let things go. I accepted that I am a work in progress.  I dismissed the bad and I embraced the good.  I made a commitment. I stood perfectly still and walked into my own. 

Reflective Writing Notebook
Reaction to “A Call For a Shift In Spiritual Energy” by Tina Games-Evans

“If Heaven made him - earth can find some use for him.”
 -Chinese Proverb

To be able to fully step into your life’s purpose you need to first figure out the 5 Ws:
Who are you?
What moves you?
Where are you now in relation to where you want to be?
When do you want to make the commitment?
Why is fulfilling your purpose so important to you?

Once you figure out the answers to these questions you can focus on the HOW.  A life purpose isn’t about self-fulfillment, as it’s not about feeding your OWN soul.  When I ask myself what really matters I always come back to the same conclusion: people.  Audrey Hepburn once said:

“People, more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed.”

Some people choose to dedicate their lives to Mission trips, the Peace Corp, or Disaster Relief; saving the world one person at a time.  Others choose to heal the world through a smile, a touch, or a shoulder to cry on; leaving footprints on the hearts of every one they encounter.  Either way, no matter the scale, when we approach a situation with a genuine concern for the well being of others the impact we make can be instrumental.

My life gets meaning from being able to offer support, encouragement, and wisdom to the people around me.  Life means taking advantage of every opportunity you are given.  My life is more meaningful when I am centered; giving back as much as I am taking in.  I feel like I understand the true meaning of life when I stop and take in my surroundings; the sights, the sounds, the smells, the sensory emotions that are evoked by all of them coming together at once.  To me, life’s meaning is based on human interaction and introspection.

Exhibition #8- A Grant Proposal (2)

Overcoming Anxiety:
A Holistic and All-Natural Approach to Taking Control
of Our Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Welfare

Anxiety Disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States with 19.1 million of the adult US population from ages 18-54 being affected1.  The anxiety manifests itself in different forms and affects everyone differently on a case-by-case basis, prompting the formation of several different subcategories of anxiety: generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Panic Disorder, Phobias, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and social anxiety disorder (SAD).  Generalized Anxiety Disorder, or GAD, is the most common, affecting approximately 4 million people in the United States, and is also the easiest to treat without pharmaceuticals. 
While many people rely on prescription medications to control their symptoms and provide relief, others are beginning to explore the possibility of a different kind of treatment: combination therapy.  This type of treatment is gaining notoriety because, in the increasingly health-conscious world we live in, people are focusing more on a holistic and all-natural approach to physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. A combination of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, cutting-edge relaxation techniques, and homeopathic remedies, are not only giving people relief from the debilitating symptoms of anxiety but giving them a renewed outlook on life and ultimately a reason to smile.
Due to the nature of GAD, it can be difficult to differentiate a true anxiety disorder from the normal stresses of daily life. Our bodies are naturally equipped to deal with anxiety when we feel tense, scared, when we are under pressure, or facing a stressful situation2. However, when these anxieties begin to persist and interfere with our day-to-day lives, it becomes an issue, often times leading to depression or other related disorders.
In my report I plan to address the growing number of people being diagnosed with GAD, provide some background on the cluster of disorders, what the symptoms are, what treatment options are available (pharmaceuticals vs complementary techniques/counseling), and discuss the benefits of managing anxiety using a holistic and natural approach (exercise, breathing techniques, homeopathic remedies, and self help/self talk). 
The report will be a collection of anxiety facts and statistics in addition to concentrating on defining key terms associated with Anxiety Disorders, discussing the treatment options and success rates, introducing new holistic and organic ways of managing stress and anxiety, and helping my audience determine the type of treatment that would be most helpful in their life management.  I plan to build the report in a way that will provide necessary and up-to-date clinical, complementary, and professional counseling information, the approaches used by each, and the type of patient that can benefit from the various techniques.
I’d like to give my report an interactive component by using a psychological anxiety evaluation test comprised of approximately 12-15 questions used in many primary care medical offices to help gauge the level and severity of the patient’s anxieties. I also plan on using some graphics depicting people and anxiety-provoking situations to give the report a personal-relational element that I think will also draw the audience in. I am also considering creating a custom table or chart showing the homeopathic remedies and the corresponding symptoms they alleviate.  I’ve included some rough ideas that I will be tailoring as my report takes shape below.

Exhibition #6- A Financial Ad

Raymond James
An investment firm, your neighbor, and a friend

Financial planning is fundamental to your future.  It can have a critical impact on you, your family, and your business.  At Raymond James we are dedicated to providing our clients with the highest level of customer service by taking a personal approach to financial planning and personal investing.  Our financial advisors have the knowledge and expertise to guide you in making the best financial decisions for you based on a tailored plan based on your needs, your concerns, and your goals.

We are living in a time where financial security is not what it used to be.  The market has shifted in the past years, making change the only constant.  At Raymond James, we can work as a team to provide you with the resources, strategies, and advice that will help you make financial decisions to buffer any uncertainty in a shifting economy and carry you and your family into a more financially secure future.

We, at Raymond James, have not only been successful at creating a proactive and customized approach to personal financial planning, being ranked “Highest In Investor Satisfaction With Full Service Brokerage Firms” by J.D. Power and Associates in 2008, but we are also an institution that is rooted in community service.  Among our involvement in programs for education, fine arts, and disaster relief efforts, the Raymond James name has been a staple in and around your community. 

Along with this, we have been recognized as one of “Florida’s Best Companies To Work For” in Florida Trend Magazine in 2010, speaking to the positive work environment we’ve created for our employees, heightening their job satisfaction and increasing productivity.  We hold our associates to delivering the highest level of customer satisfaction.  We’ve been successful in doing this by providing them with education services to enhance their financial knowledge in an ever-changing economy, opportunities to grow in areas of leadership, technology, and operations, and ensuring that they have the most up-to-date skills in financial planning, investing, and meeting business objectives.

Don’t bear the burden of finance planning- give it to us.  Let the expert financial advisors at Raymond James help guide you and your family to a secure future by offering you the most advance strategic planning that you can only get from a large financial institution but with a personal, friendly, and highly interactive and collaborative feel.  Contact us today for a free consultation and let us carry you to financial security.

Exhibition #5- A Grant Proposal (1)

Susan I. Dady
Program Associate
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
555 Lincoln Way, suite 5
Cheerysburg, PA 55555

Dear Susan Dady,
            I am writing on behalf of the Chatham University Program Development Department in regards to a grant request we would like to submit for consideration.  At Chatham University, we have one of the top rated Master’s Programs in Professional Writing, and the interest our online learning environment has attracted many new enrollees.  We offer an impressive virtual classroom to our students where they can interact with our highly respected professors, fellow online classmates, and complete the coursework required from the comfort of their homes.  The flexibility of the Master’s in Professional Writing Program we offer has significantly grown our student volume. 
            While many of our students were drawn to the program because of its web-based convenience, there lies a question in whether we are able to provide a well-rounded education to these distance-learners outside of a traditional classroom.  On behalf of the Program Development Department and as professional educators, we recognize an area for improvement within our Professional Writing Program.  While we have been successful in creating an online educational environment for our established students, there is an aspect that is lacking from a real-life classroom, with real-life professors delivering a lecture, and real-life projects being presented by fellow students.
            Because of this, we feel that there is a population we aren’t reaching: students who want to earn their degree from the top rated Chatham University Writing Program, with face-to-face interaction but don’t have the means to relocate to the Pittsburgh area to participate.  Thus, we are submitting this letter of inquiry to ask for your attention in reaching these student writers that have inadvertently slid through the cracks between the means of attending Chatham University’s campus and enrolling in our online program that doesn’t quite match up for the student wanting that personal college experience.  As a grand contributor to financially helping universities meet the needs of every student, we ask that you consider our proposal.  Our grant project is called “Chatham University: where there is a place for every student.”
            In our efforts to join forces with you in creating a virtual classroom that more closely resembles that of a traditional classroom for potential students looking for a way to achieve that in all locations across the United States, we would like to provide you with a description of the technological hardware/software we would need, an explanation for why they are foundational for the purpose of our project, and our initial plan on how we would institute this new cutting-edge virtual classroom as part of the Master’s of Professional Writing Program at Chatham University. 
            We have a vision of building from our already successful online learning environment by instituting a variation of the current program in both functionality and resources.  In order to do this, we need to purchase new software applications that will enhance the online classroom by being both visually and audibly engaging to the student as well as the professor.  Below is a list of the applications and explanation as to why we would need to utilize them in order to mirror the traditional classroom for the distance learning students we aim to reach:
o   Beta- Google Open Meeting Flash Meeting Vyew
            This is for the purpose of conferencing between students and professors.  It utilizes a webcam. It allows visual and audible discussion,             collaboration, and production for the student and feedback, facilitation, and advice from the professor.  It also allows for real-time file or project      presentation with immediate feedback through the use of basic Internet capabilities.
o   Podbean
            This allows for students and professors to interact using audio or video files that can be streamed or downloaded to any computer or mobile        device.  It allows for real-time lecturing, communication, and demonstration on both ends of the learning environment.  Lectures can be           recorded and watched at various times or can be viewed live and gives the student an open forum to ask questions and participate in discussions.
o   UN Vlogging
            This allows for students and professors to communicate and organize thoughts in a meaningful way.  It is an application that students can use to   communicate both visually and audibly.  It creates a platform for students to express their opinions on a topic, react to a reading, and present   other information that may be valuable to the class discussion.  It allows students and professors alike to better understand each other’s             comments through audio and visual cues that may have otherwise been missed if it was purely text that they had available to them.
            As professional educators wanting to move forward in this era of emerging technologies, these applications grant us access to provide our students with the most innovative of virtual classroom functionality and introduce them to resources that will make their online learning environment reflective of a traditional classroom.  By focusing heavily on live lectures, presentations, and discussion forums without losing the lure of flexibility and convenience that brought many of our distance learners to the program initially, we can generate an even closer reflection of a traditional classroom by taking advantage of the new emerging technologies that are available.  After all, we aim to provide the highest level of education to our students with the ripest technology that will enhance their educational experience while enrolled in Chatham University’s Master’s in Professional Writing Program.  Not only does it appeal to the students who are burdened by location disadvantages but still want the personal interaction, but many of our existing students would benefit from these enhancements if they could adjust their schedules accordingly to that of the course.
            Below you will find an abridged version of supplies needed to support the “Chatham University: where there is a place for every student” Project and the monies needed to implement the program.  Thank you for your time and attention to this request.  We are a team of professional educators and strive to provide the very highest level of education to our students and our potential students.  We hope that you will be apart of that mission as well.


Kacey C. Krznaric
Program Development Officer
Chatham University
Continuing Education Department

Funds needed to support the “Chatham University: where there is a place for every student” Program

Software purchasing (3 programs combined at bulk discounted rate)
            University cost per package: $300 x number of students enrolled in Masters of Professional Writing
            Distributing software to student expense: $110 per link to download software apps

Misc Costs (product shipping fees, etc): Approximately $20 per package

Total concrete amount of funds needed for program will be based on enrollment and a financial spreadsheet will be included in official grant proposal.

*All advertising of new program will be done “pro bono” by Chatham University students involved with the campus Marketing &b Advertising Team

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Exhibition #4- A Financial Column

Calling all   Recessionistas:

It’s time to     s t r e t c h      that dollar!

The economy is down right now.  There’s no denying it.  We understand the importance of saving our money, making wise investments, and keeping a tight budget.  Most of us take a look at our lives, decipher what is necessity vs what is luxury, and then budget our money accordingly.  We are working more hours, getting paid lower salaries, and job security isn’t what it used to be.  Times are tough right now which is why you deserve a break, a little vacation, a little spoiling.  You work too hard all day, all week, and all year and you deserve to reward yourself.  Consider this column your place to come and be reminded of the importance of taking care of ourselves physically and mentally; after all, we can’t perform to the best of our abilities in the workplace if the stresses of life are zapping the energy right out of us.  Thus, the time has come to make room in your budget for some much needed R & R.  I will provide you with some great financial resources and give you the tools necessary to give a little back to yourself without breaking the bank.

As professional women we tend to prioritize things differently that those who aren’t 9 to 5ers.  We have limited time outside of the office to do much for ourselves.  Whether it is hitting the gym or reading a book with a glass of wine, somehow we still feel stressed.  We feel guilty enjoying ourselves because we can only think of how this time could be better utilized by being “productive.”  That’s the first stop on our Road to Workaholic Recovery.  We need to understand the importance of giving our minds and our bodies a rest every once in a while.  From this point forward, vegging in front of the TV is no longer considered a day off.  Finding time to take a walk around the block is not getting enough fresh air.  And, going away for the weekend on a work trip where they allow some personal time to site see is NOT a vacation. Change your outlook.  Taking care of yourself outside of your career is one of the most crucial things you can do.  Think of it as building a stronger foundation within yourself to be an even better employee, coworker, friend, neighbor, and ultimately a more powerful and self-aware professional woman. Recognize that and we can move forward in customizing a plan to help you manage your money while treating yourself to good physical health practices and all around mental wellness.

So, money is tight with you.  It is with ALL of us.  Everyone has taken a hit from the economy crashing as it has but there is light at the end of the tunnel.  In the meantime, we need to focus on keeping ourselves satisfied and fulfilled in our personal lives while still being conscious of our spending habits.  I will introduce you to two very helpful financial resources that will be a great tool in helping you invest in yourself a little more while still being realistic.  For the purpose of this feature, I want to share with you two very beneficial savings plans that will not only give you a great return in APY but will help you maintain your accounts more effectively and conveniently. 

The first account that I am recommending is an online savings account called the ING Savings Plan.  You can sign up for this free account at www.INGdirect.com and begin saving immediately.  Not only will they give you an automatic $100 “thank you for your business” deposit but this account has one of the highest annual percentage yields available at 1.10% APY; higher than any physical bank that you can walk in to and open a savings account.  It is easy to sign up and you get cash rewards when you refer a friend.  Plus, you can maintain it with a few clicks of your mouse right from the comfort of your own home, your office at work, or from your IPhone when you are on the go.  That is the convenience you get with this online savings account so if you deposit $200 a month, by the end of the year you’ve saved some serious cash! See the chart below to discover the growth potential.  Do I hear the Bahamas calling your name?

If you aren’t too keen on the online banking idea, as some people like to have the face-to-face customer service, there is another great option that will help you achieve your budgeting objectives.  Bank of America offers a great deal when you open a free checking account with them.  The first perk is you get an automatic $50 deposited directly into your account.  You still have the convenience of online banking with this financial institution as well if you choose to participate.  Visit them at www.bankofamerica.com. Their website is user-friendly, easy to navigate, and lets you control your money.  Once you are enrolled for your free checking account you have the option of taking advantage of their “Keep the Change” program that offers some really great saving potential.  It works like this: You buy something using your debit card. Say, your total is $21.55.  Bank of America will automatically round up to the nearest dollar and transfer the difference directly into a special savings account.  So, now you have $0.45 in your account.  It might not sound like much but every penny adds up- literally!  Use it on all your purchases from groceries, to cocktails with the ladies, to making your car payment.  By the end of the month you can treat yourself to a day at the spa!

We are professional women; respected in the workplace, intelligent, ambitious, and ethically strong.  Add financially savvy to that list and…WATCH OUT!  Taking care of our minds and bodies is just as important as providing a good service to our clients, growing our company and the business, or delivering a quality product.  We can’t focus solely on work and let our health and wellness fall to the wayside.  Like I said, one builds off of the other so lets make a promise to ourselves that we will take the time to reconnect with that powerful woman inside, use the money that we’ve saved to pamper our inner diva, and continue to keep ourselves educated on how we can use both our time and our money wisely.

Calling all Recessionistas!  We are professional women who have worked very hard to get to where we are and we’re not about to stop.  Our ambition and drive to be on top defines us a generation of empowered woman.  It’s an amazing thing.  However, many of us have had to cut back on our spending habits since the economy has taken a downward turn.  Instead of skimping on a few new blouses and heading to TJ Maxx instead of Ann Taylor or having one less martini at happy hour, let’s try to take those savings and turn them into something that will renew our spirits.  Follow me to the world of “The Modern Day Recessionista” where we can learn to save our money wisely so enjoying that much need R & R isn’t taking a backseat to hard economic times.

Financial sources used in this column include the following: