Quill Pen

Quill Pen
Quill Pen: A Professional Writing Service

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Exhibition #10- A POV Article

A Two Way Street
Henry, formerly known as Bunji, sits on my lap gazing out at the lake.  I wonder what he is thinking.  Just six months ago he was an unwanted, underweight, flea-infested Chihuahua sitting in a rusty iron cage at Polk City Animal Sanctuary and Rescue.  Since adopting Henry, he has reached his healthy weight, received a clean bill of health from the veterinarian, and found his forever family. We came into each other’s lives at the perfect moment, giving hope, love, and a genuine sense of fulfillment an entirely new meaning. The saying “man’s best friend” is an understatement.
Making the decision to become a dog owner is life changing.  It requires a lot of evaluation and planning and is not something to be taken lightly.  Dogs are a lot of work, require a lot of attention, and depend on us for everything.  Thus, a person has to assess his or her living environment, groom through his or her finances, and determine how much time he or she can dedicate to caring for a dog.  All of these things will help establish several things: if the person is ready for the responsibility of a dog, what type of breed is conducive to their lifestyle and living situation, and whether he or she can provide financially for the health and well-being of their new pet.
Aside from the logistics, once you decide that becoming a dog owner is right for you, the therapeutic benefits for both you and the adopted dog are remarkable.  From personal experience, my life changed from the moment I laid eyes on Henry.  Originally I had anticipated enriching HIS life by showing him love and giving him a renewed sense of security.  However, he brought ME back to life by giving me a fresh perspective, showing me unconditional love, and being an unintentional support system for me in everyday life.  According to the article “Adopt a Shelter Dog” on http://www.squidoo.com/, “Dogs encourage people to exercise, enhance family and social relationships, promote laughter and act as a nonjudgmental audience and sounding board.”  I firmly believe that we brought the best out in each other.
Aside from the emotional benefits that adopting a shelter dog bring to a new dog owner, studies show that adopting a shelter dog have significant health benefits as well.  According to the article “Adopting a Shelter Dog Brings Countless Health Benefits” from www.examiner.com, “Studies show such benefits as lowered stress levels, lowered blood pressure, and less depression in people with pets.  Heart attack patients with pets survive longer than those without and AIDS patients in a study proved to be far less likely to suffer depression when living with a beloved pet.  Alzheimer's patients are calmer with fewer anxious outbursts, as are schizophrenics.”  The article goes on to say, Interacting with your rescued dog can elevate levels of serotonin and dopamine, nerve transmitters that are known to have pleasurable and calming properties.  Heroin and cocaine work in a similar way by raising these levels. Pets counter loneliness and Seniors can especially benefit from the companionship and exercise a dog provides.”
My personal experience of adopting Henry and how we have enhanced each other’s lives in a way that I would have otherwise never recognized has ignited a passion in me.  The research on the therapeutic benefits, both physical and emotional, of adopting a shelter dog has a solid standing with me, as my life is better because of the decision I made.  I would recommend adopting a shelter dog to anyone who is looking for companionship for themselves, a way to teach responsibility to their children, or anyone who is willing and able to provide stability for an unwanted dog.  3According to a quote from Novartis Animal Health US, Inc, “Most dogs adopted from shelters make exceptionally affectionate and attentive pets and extremely loyal companions.”  Henry has enriched my quality of life by providing me with companionship, unconditional love, and personal fulfillment.  Likewise, if Henry could talk, I think he’d say I have provided him with the same. I am certain that your quality of life will be enhanced tremendously by the rewards that come back to you.

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